Benchmark / test report

Container name: Singularity.Octave-7.1.0-foss-2021b.localimage.sif

test script

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem=30gb
#SBATCH -J plcr-octave-cpu-test


echo "PLCR test: $SLURM_JOB_NAME"
echo "PLCR jobid: $SLURM_JOBID"
echo "PLCR path: $PLCR"

echo "Test performed on: "`date`
echo "Testing container: $CONT"
SHA=`dd bs=1M if=$PLCR/images/$CONT 2>/dev/null | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1`
echo "Container checksum: $SHA"


wget -q
tar xf octave-benchmark-1.1.1.tar.gz
cd benchmark-1.1.1/inst
sed -i 's|1e7|1e9|g' benchmark_intmath.m

singularity -s run -B $TMPDIR -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT octave benchmark_intmath.m

echo  "Test completed, rc=$RC, "

test results

PLCR test: plcr-octave-cpu-test
PLCR jobid: 394287
PLCR path: /net/pr2/plcr
Test performed on: Thu May 12 13:12:37 CEST 2022
Testing container: Singularity.Octave-7.1.0-foss-2021b.localimage.sif
Container checksum: ffd8da3c0bb75144be103a1832e56fd6d20c1b4f0dbfc03030cf66849c2a6e11

WARNING: This texinfo module has (re)defined the value for the environment variable $TEXMFHOME.
If you use a custom texmf directory (such as ~/texmf) you should copy files found in the
new $TEXMFHOME to your custom directory and reset the value of $TEXMFHOME to point to that space:
        cp -r $TEXMFHOME/* /path/to/your/texmf
        export TEXMFHOME=/path/to/your/texmf

octave: unable to open X11 DISPLAY
octave: disabling GUI features
Running benchmark: benchmark_intmath
Test speed of integer math & conversions.

array size (n) = 1e+09
ratio of intmath for generating integers (ratio) = 0.6
time to convert real vector to uint8: 5.83269
time to add two uint8 vectors: 0.419033
time to subtract two uint8 vectors: 0.416427
time to multiply two uint8 vectors: 0.428358
time to divide two uint8 vectors: 2.82542
time to convert real vector to int8: 6.47466
time to add two int8 vectors: 0.658307
time to subtract two int8 vectors: 0.656877
time to multiply two int8 vectors: 0.563055
time to divide two int8 vectors: 14.2059
time to convert real vector to uint16: 5.53984
time to add two uint16 vectors: 0.83292
time to subtract two uint16 vectors: 0.828397
time to multiply two uint16 vectors: 0.851248
time to divide two uint16 vectors: 3.02984
time to convert real vector to int16: 5.94676
time to add two int16 vectors: 0.916558
time to subtract two int16 vectors: 0.910825
time to multiply two int16 vectors: 0.886578
time to divide two int16 vectors: 15.2173
time to convert real vector to uint32: 6.39184
time to add two uint32 vectors: 1.64779
time to subtract two uint32 vectors: 1.64877
time to multiply two uint32 vectors: 1.67506
time to divide two uint32 vectors: 3.19296
time to convert real vector to int32: 7.00019
time to add two int32 vectors: 1.67315
time to subtract two int32 vectors: 1.67271
time to multiply two int32 vectors: 1.75477
time to divide two int32 vectors: 15.2118
Test completed, rc=0,