
NWChem aims to provide its users with computational chemistry tools that are scalable both in their ability to treat large scientific computational chemistry problems efficiently, and in their use of available parallel computing resources from high-performance parallel supercomputers to conventional workstation clusters. More information can be found here .

Available containers

Name sha256 mpi labels descripion
Singularity.NWChem-7.0.2-intel-2021b.localimage.sif f15d5a4f567b9f8464b40c50cebd2e11076c54561a26349d14cccff6727a281f IntelMPI 2021b pmi2 benchmark

Running the container

Example invocation of NWChem benchmark

# Note: $PLCR is base path of container repository and $CONT is the container filename
export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=$PLCR/local/pmi2/libpmi2.so

wget -q 'https://nwchemgit.github.io/c240_631gs.nw'
sed -i 's+scratch_dir /scratch+scratch_dir '$TMPDIR'+' c240_631gs.nw

time srun --mpi=pmi2 --cpu-bind=cores singularity -s run -B $TMPDIR -B $I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT nwchem c240_631gs.nw