OSU micro-benchmarks
OSU microbenchmarks is a comprehensive set of MPI benchmarks allowing for performance evaluation of various MPI implementations and transports.
Developed by Ohio State University team responsible for MVAPICH MPI implementation. More information can be found here
Available containers
Name | sha256 | mpi | labels | descripion |
Singularity.OSU-Micro-Benchmarks-5.7.1-iimpi-2021a.localimage.sif | 250fb2f29b408f369fc6c6c7cc51fc6c87da39b7e9b5696dc73ee627442119eb | IntelMPI 2021a | pmi2 | benchmark |
Singularity.OSU-Micro-Benchmarks-5.8-gompi-2021b.localimage.sif | 3add487a9fb69bdeabb3ce81f1c1cd80d32c17cb801b631e6198a4e263044892 | OpenMPI 4.1.2 | pmix | benchmark |
Running the container
Example invocation of osu_mbw_mr benchmark
# Note: $PLCR is base path of container repository
export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=$PLCR/local/pmi2/libpmi2.so
srun --mpi=pmi2 --cpu-bind=verbose -m block singularity run -B $I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY $PLCR/images/Singularity.OSU-Micro-Benchmarks-5.7.1-iimpi-2021a.localimage.sif osu_mbw_mr