
Bowtie2 is a fast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. here

Available containers

Name sha256 mpi labels descripion
Singularity.Bowtie2-2.4.4-GCC-10.3.0.localimage.sif 6ab2b3a61866d24d1afbe81291f769c418b93547d3377ecba63935ad1a807050 none none benchmark

Running the container

Example invocation of Bowtie2 benchmark

# Note: $PLCR is base path of container repository and $CONT is the container filename

wget '' 
gzip -dk hg38.fa.gz

singularity -s run -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT bowtie2-build hg38.fa hg38
singularity -s run -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT prefetch ERR2356727
singularity -s run -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT fastq-dump --split-files ERR2356727/ERR2356727.sra 
time singularity -s run -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT bowtie2 --very-sensitive -x hg38 -1 ERR2356727_1.fastq -2 ERR2356727_2.fastq -S ERR.sam -p 4 #$SLURM_NTASKS