Intel oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler is available for Windows and Linux and supports compiling C, C++, SYCL, and Data Parallel C++ (DPC++) source, targeting Intel IA-32, Intel 64 (aka x86-64), Core, Xeon, and Xeon Scalable processors, as well as GPUs including Intel Processor Graphics Gen9 and above, Intel Xe architecture, and Intel Programmable Acceleration Card with Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA.More information can be found here
Available containers
Name | sha256 | mpi | labels | descripion |
---|---|---|---|---| | d495b7a0613c2e7052b1bafc1cc5acd7a1ca12f950a8ac4c56fdd4045724b354 | IntelMPI 2021a | pmi2 | benchmark |
Running the container
Example invocation of Intel Compiler benchmark
srun --mpi=pmi2 --cpu-bind=cores singularity -s run -B $I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY -B $PWD:/host_pwd --pwd /host_pwd $PLCR/images/$CONT icc -no-multibyte-chars -o hello hello.c